These teaching materials use the Deep Culture Podcast to introduce key themes related to the psychology of intercultural understanding. These materials are open-source and are free to use for non-commercial purposes. Please attribute to: The Japan Intercultural Institute. 

Episode 15 – Rubber Time or Slaves to the Clock: They are always late! They are slaves to the clock! Joseph Shaules and Yvonne van der Pol explore cultural stereotypes about time. They discuss Edward Hall’s monochronic time and polychronic time, the embodied and embedded nature of time, and Ishita Ray shares her experiences with time logics in India. And you can take a quiz to test your own time logic!

Materials included:

  • Episode Overview:
    A summary of the episode content, a link to play the episode, a list of key themes
  • Opening Discussion: Discussion activity focused on a short clip from the episode.
  • Key ideas and insights are introduced using quotes from the episode, together with comprehension and discussion questions. Ideas/insights covered include:
    • Different experiences of time
    • The “silent language” of time
    • Monochronic time logic
    • Polychronic time logic
  • Deep Understanding: Provides more detailed information about the psychology behind the key ideas and insights. It includes episode quotes and comprehension questions.
  • Digging Deeper: Introduces discussion questions based on quotes and clips from the episode. This section helps learners connect themes to their experience.
  • Testing and further activities: The slide set contains comprehension questions based on clips from the episode. These can be used to create quizzes. Discussion questions can be used for interactive activities and presentations.