The Japan Intercultural Institute (JII) is a member-run, non-profit organization based in Japan. 

JII is run by a small group of highly dedicated members — an intercultural family of sorts. We invite others who are interested in the work we do to join a JII event, and if you want to contribute more, to become a member. The core value that unites JII members is a commitment to the learning that comes from intercultural experiences. The benefits of membership are:

— You support the important educational work that JII does.

— You can participate in members-only events, such as JII’s Learning Circle, where members share research and best practices.

— Join JII’s membership community platform, which members use to stay in touch and share information. 

— You become a more active part of the JII community.

Membership fee: 5,000 yen (€40/$45) per year*

(Membership is for the calendar year–January 1st to December 31st. Joining after September 1st will be counted as a membership through the following year.)

To join/more info

To join or for more information contact us  . We’ll send you a link to the membership application form and payment options.  

*Individuals for whom cost is a barrier to participation can ask for a waiver of the membership fee.