The Japan Intercultural Institute offers opportunities to learn about education for intercultural understanding. We produce a free podcast, sponsor a free Learning Circle for JII members, and offer two blended learning Masterclasses. 

Educational vision

Content has been developed over a period of years at JII seminars and workshops. It is rooted in the vision of Edward Hall, who believed that intercultural experiences are powerful because they touch us at deep levels of the self. There is a focus on understanding the challenges and rewards of intercultural experiences based on an empirical understanding of brain and mind sciences. 


Brain, Mind and Culture Masterclass The is a broad introduction to a brain-mind science approach to education for intercultural understanding. It serves as an introduction for a deeper exploration of cultural learning, cultural difference, bias, empathy, and more. 

Learning Circle

JII members meet regularly to share research and informed practice. Meetings are virtual. Each time we discuss a theme, research or educational activity focused on nurturing deeper forms of intercultural understanding. The Learning Circle is free for JII members. For more information see here.

Deep Culture Podcast

JII produces the Deep Culture Podcast, which explores the psychological impact of intercultural experiences, informed by the sciences of brain, culture and mind. It was created by Joseph Shaules and Yvonne van der Pol and the podcast team includes — Robinson Fritz, Ishita Ray, Zeina Matar, Daniel Glinz, Emre Seven and Ikumi Fritz. To listen and for more information, see here.

The Developmental Model of Linguaculture Learning (DMLL)

The approach to education for intercultural understanding developed by JII has been formalized in the form of a learning mode—the Developmental Model of Linguaculture Learning. It describes language and culture learning as an adaptive process of increasing levels of cognitive complexity. For more information, you can download an excerpt from the book Language, Culture and the Embodied Mind. Download here.