Master Practitioner in Deep Culture Education and Training
Master Practitioner in Deep Culture Education and Training seminars are open to anyone who has completed the Advanced Certificate of Deep Culture Learning. They involve greater theoretical depth than the advanced seminars. They are oriented towards educators, trainers and intercultural professionals in leadership roles. The focus is on applying deep learning theory in educational and professional contexts.
Deep Culture Empathy
Research in cognitive science, evolutionary psychology, genetics and intercultural communication has shed light on the biological bases of the intercultural experience. This seminar focuses on a scientific understanding of deep culture as it is experienced in our everyday lives. Humans have the capacity for great kindness and empathy. They can perceive the thoughts, feelings and intentions of others. But they can also be intolerant, jump to conclusions, misinterpret situations, discriminate against those perceived as different, and develop prejudices. We will see that bias is a natural, though not desirable trait of human perception and cognition. Understanding bias is seen as the first step in reducing its negative impact.
Deep Culture Journey
This seminar focuses on developing deep intercultural insight and effectiveness. It focuses on issues of identity and self that arise from intercultural living. It is intended for “bridge people” who adapt deeply to foreign cultural communities, have multicultural backgrounds, or frequently cross cultural boundaries. It focuses on the complexities of navigating multiple cultural worlds. It shows how intercultural experiences can lead to insights regarding culture, but also lead to discoveries within, and profound personal growth–intercultural living as an inner journey. Participants learn practices designed to increase personal and deep culture insight.
Master Practitioner in Deep Culture Education and Training
Participants who satisfactorily complete both advanced seminars, demonstrate an understanding of course content, and show the ability to apply the deep culture approach to a particular professional or educational contexts (e.g. through the development of a syllabus or training module, etc.) can earn the Master Practitioner in Deep Culture Education and Training certificate.
For more information, contact us.